Get to know: Hair Care formulations with Texique
Hair care has become more than just a part of everyone’s shower routine. Hair care is now a form of self-care and wellbeing, with consumers moving away from basic shampoos and conditioners to products more specific to their hair care needs, including additional products such as oils and serums. These routines are no longer simply about cleansing, but also considering the importance of hair and scalp hydration when looking to keep hair in good condition.
With self-care and wellness expanding into hair care, the benefits of using natural ingredients are more important than ever. To help develop your formulations, explore our range of conditioning agents, emulsifiers and thickeners. Our range of high performing ingredients will enable you to create tailor made solutions that meet consumer needs and the latest hair care trends.
Find our downloadable formulation sheets here on here. website. With a selection of hair conditioning formulations for a variety of hair types, using our Texique CS-32, a naturally derived cationic polysaccharide produced from food grade potato starch, or our intensive hair masque formulation using Texique PQ37.
Conscious innovation is our personal care mission to help create a healthier, kinder and greener world. We are pushing for positive change and a more sustainable personal care industry that puts people and the planet first.
Through conscious innovation we provide personal care expertise and ingredients that cause minimum harm to the world and maximum benefit to people, accelerating the sustainable and innovative product development needed to suit the increasingly diverse world of personal care.